News about robot technology and sustainability, new Vetipak adventures, customers talking about their experiences…. we’ll keep you up to date with everything happening at Vetipak. Informative and inspiring.
UpdateAs a Vetico company, we benefit from the Vetico Innovation Center. In this hotbed of innovation, mechatronics and robotics engineers, mechanical engineers, software and hardware engineers, packaging technologists and data specialists work together to develop countless new products and services for today and the future.
Robotics, AI, vision technology (2D and 3D technology for example), new materials and software… Vetico’s big brains are up to speed with the latest developments. What’s more, they put them into practice for our clients in four distinct ways.
Our Innovation Center provides technical support to all Vetipak plants and sites.
We’re always looking to implement newly improved processes and products developed by the Innovation Center. We benefit, and so do you.
Looking for more than a standard solution? By thinking outside the box, the Innovation Center lets us to design high-quality bespoke solutions and build them ourselves.
Even when they aren’t trying to solve a specific question for a client, the Innovation Center is hard at work on pioneering projects. And when they’ve found a new way to apply a new technology, you’ll be the first to know.
News about robot technology and sustainability, new Vetipak adventures, customers talking about their experiences…. we’ll keep you up to date with everything happening at Vetipak. Informative and inspiring.